Nolan Ryan's Baseball
(existe uniquement en version US)

Cheat menu
Sélectionnez le mode un joueur. Maintenez ¬ et appuyez rapidement sur  pour afficher le cheat menu.

Code Game Génie
A3BF-6DD1       1 strike and batter is out
C2BF-6DD1       Batter never strikes out
A3BE-0D61       1 ball and batter walks
C2BE-0D61       Batter never walks
76AC-0D65       Each run worth 2--player 1
76A8-04D5       Each run worth 2--player 2
766D-67A5       Short game (play only odd-numbered innings)
DDC8-D706       Increasing a player's power setting does not decrease the power number excess (use to maximize stats for a player)
4DBF-A7A8       Maximum power for a player is 32 instead of 25
46BF-A7A8       Maximum power for a player is 40 instead of 25
7DBF-A7A8       Maximum power for a player is 48